If only all of them would come out as quickly as this one from The Chavos' "Billsburg Sessions" did. Whereas some songs have taken months to complete, “East Village Art Girl” was begging to be let out of the brain. It was one of those moments a songwriter yearns for: grab pen, write verses, grab guitar, find chords, complete. No stopping for air or pee break. As you will soon find out when you hit the Play button, it's not deeply profound but then again neither was “Tutti Fruiti” and that seemed to work out just fine for Little Richard, even if he was ripped off by The Man in terms of royalties.
The inspiration came from observing (ok, leering) at someone before, during, and after a Krzysztof Kieslowski screening at an East Village bar that may no longer exist. It's safe to say that she was definitely not one of the woo woo girls who haunt Second Avenue in the EV on any given Friday or Saturday night. As with many rock songs, names have been eliminated to protect the guilty.
So have a listen and share thoughts if you wish. If you want your own copy, hit me up and we'll make it happen.
Photo courtesy of http://www.dnainfo.com
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